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Generic TreeCard® ~ Complete Your Grove Pledges + Contrib to Grove Prizepool

Generic TreeCard® ~ Complete Your Grove Pledges + Contrib to Grove Prizepool

Regular price Rs. 371.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 371.00
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Tree Count
Grove Prize Pool (Tree Equivalent)

Generic TreeCard®, primarily for completing your Tree pledges in various Groves with Milestone prizes:

You'll get a digital TreeCard®, with tree plantation details:

  • Pictures of the tree(s)
  • GPS Locations
  • Species, planter

About 'Grove Prize Pool' option. 

Each Grove has its 'Milestone Rewards'.  One of the lucky winners will get a surprise or pre-defined gift, whenever the Grove reaches a milestone. For details, check the one you are adding these trees to.

You can select this option, if you'd like to contribute to the prizepool. Theoptions are specified in terms of cost of planting trees (1, 2, 4, 7, 11).

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Features coming soon: (~3-9 months)

You'll get certificate of ownership of the Carbon Credits linked to the trees planted through you

You'll be able to name your Tree(s).

Personalized TreeCards. Customized for your occassion, on additional charges. E.g. custom card design, bulk order etc.  Further details will be added soon. 


You'll get a digital TreeCard®, with tree plantation details:
Pictures of the tree(s)
GPS Locations
Planter family/organization/individual
95+% survival rate. (Not accounting for natural disasters)

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