Generic Collaborative TreeCard®
Generic Collaborative TreeCard®
Generic Collaborative TreeCard®.
There is one dedicated page for the group, that contains the messages from each contributor, and details of each tree planted.
For each tree, the following plantation details are shared by our planting partners:
- Pictures of the tree(s)
- GPS Locations
- Species
- Planter
Samples of collaborative TreeCard® pages:
These are early stage concepts, and will be continuously improved upon as we progress further.
More Detail
More Detail
Features coming soon: (~9 months)
Certificate of ownership of the Carbon Credits linked to the trees planted through you
Admin and co-editors for the TreeCard® page.
Name your Tree(s).
Invite others from the page itself.
Recipients can leave messages.
Premium personalization for special occasions, e.g. weddings, birthdays, farewells.
Printable momento/certificate/artwork for the recipients.
For each tree, the planting partner provides these plantation details:
Pictures of the tree(s)
GPS Locations
Planter family/organization/individual
95+% survival rate. (Not accounting for natural disasters)