Meet the Coconaüts - Humans

At Coconaüts, we're not just an e-commerce team selling stuff. 

We are players, we are performers, we are creators, and more (there are some aliens too!).

We are a tribe of driven individuals committed to enhancing your life experiences, through our offerings, at the every step of your consumer journey.

The human team is a colorful blend of technologists, creative minds, fashion enthusiasts, and eco-creators, all fueled by a shared love for spreading joy and creating a positive impact. From our talented designers who bring unique visions to life, to our meticulous quality control experts who ensure that every product meets your high standards, our friendly team always ready to assist you.

We're driven by collaboration, innovation, and love from a bunch of Earth-friendly aliens. And as we learn deeply about your desired experiences, we ensure to deliver an experience like a world class performer team would do on a world stage.

How about get to know our human team below, and join us on this exciting journey?

 1. Akshay Kumar (Co-Founder & CEO)

Akshay is the early driving force behind our brand. With a bold vision and a passion for empowering women and youth, Akshay leads the team with enthusiasm. He is a guiding light that keeps us focused, motivated, and constantly striving for greatness.

2. Amit (Software Developer)

Multi-talented full-stack developer, and a general purpose software engineer.

Interns & Co-op

1. Archi (s/w Developer Intern)

Fullstack software developer, on-campus co-op intern.

2. Akshat (s/w Developer)

Backend engineer, on-campus co-op intern.

On-Campus ambassadors

1. Aayushiaditi Verma 

Starting as our in-house influencer of influencers, i.e. influencer manager,  Aayushiaditi is also our first on-campus Ambassador, and has played several roles, as and when the team needed - ranging from organizing offline events, planning online events, creating content, managing social media account. 

2. Janhavi Haridas 

On-campus Ambassador at SUN-Nashik.

3. Adweta Dengale 

On-campus Ambassador at SUN-Nashik.

Ex-employees and interns

We value contributions from everyone who have been part of our exciting journey. Here are some of the ones, who, even in their short stay made valuable contributions. Some are coming back soon :).

1. Lavanya Bannagare (Business Development Consultant)

Lavanya Bannagare

Lavanya joined the core team in March 2023, starting as a Business Development Consultant. She takes care of the website, digital marketing, and have been there from the very beginning of Coconaüts India's launch. 

2. Kalva Cecilia Lalitha (E-commerce Management Intern) 
Profile photo of Cecilia







Cecilia makes sure of a seamless online shopping experience. From website design and optimization to managing inventory and customer transactions, keeps everything running smoothly. 

3. Meenakshi Thekkepat (UX/UI Designer Intern)


Meenakshi is the creative energy behind Coconaüts' in-app user experience and interface design. She ensures that every interaction with Coconaüts is a delightful and personalized journey for the customers. Her ability to create intuitive and visually appealing interfaces enhances the overall experience for users, making Coconaüts a joy to explore.

 6. Akshita Jain (UX/UI Designer)

Akshita is an experienced professional and a fresh & talented UI/UX designer student. She brings her expertise and creative flair to enhance the brand's user experience. Akshita's ability to balance aesthetics with functionality ensures that Coconaüts' digital presence aligns with its mission of sustainability and personalization. 


Together, our dedicated team at Coconaüts works with utmost sincerity to provide a desirable user experience while making a positive impact on the environment. We are committed to planting trees with every purchase on our shop, ensuring a greener future for the generations to come.

Our sincere efforts are towards ensuring that our customers, partners, and ourselves enjoy the journey with Coconaüts, for as long as it lasts.


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