
This page is under development, we'll be updating it over the coming days. Meanwhile, please use the form below to share your feedback, and you can submit your pledges for the Swifties Grove!

Here is some back story.

Welcome to the intersection of Swiftieverse and Coconaüts of Thannoverse. A fan-crafted tribute to Taylor Swift's emotional universe. A cosmic journey through the emotional constellations and galaxies of rollercoasters. Some Stylish merchandise and lots of green Trees.

The Story:

Coconaüts are friendly aliens from Thannoverse, a fictional universe. For quite some time, Coconaüts have been deliberating a travel to Earth. And during the planning phase of their Earth Travel, Coconaüts absolutely fell in love with Swiftie Verse. So, as a tribute to Taylor Swift, her creation and most importantly, Swifties; Coconaüts are committed to creating fun experiences for the Swiftieverse. 

Starting with Hoodies, T-Shirts, Posters and Stickers - Coconaüts can't wait for the shared future to unfold in exciting and mysterious ways - we can think and can't think of.


The Collections:


The Swifties Grove:

[Internal launch on 07-FEB-2024]

More details coming soon. Meanwhile, please use the form below to share your feedback.

With each purchase, Coconaüts plant a tree in your name! And it is also added to Swifties Grove. A digital garden of Real Trees, contributed by swifties, maintained by Coconaüts, planted through our network partner NGOs.

Coconaüts commit to maintaining and improving the experience of The Swifties Grove, as a token of love to Ms. Americana and her lovely Swiftieverse.

The current Tree Count: 39 [Updated on 27th Feb 2024]

Next Goal: 1989

Seize the opportunity to play a part in Taylor Swift's love story with planet Earth.

#swifties #growthegrove #growtheswiftiegrove #coconautslife #ecofluencer #betterselftoday


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