Fancy a Trip to Bali with your besties?
How about, bringing your favorite influencer as well?
Through BOBB2BALI GIVEAWAYs ** Event,
together with Coconaüts, you'll raise 222222+ Trees,
Win vouchers, MysteryBoxes, and stand a chance to travel
with your tribe and desirable Ecofluence®* diva.
(*Ecofluence® is a new concept from Coconaüts, check details below)
(**Your Entry is valid for April, May, June - 2024.)
Just say hi!
BOBB2BALI Featured Ecofluence® CODEs
Monthly Event Goal: 7777+ Trees. (We plant tree with each purchase)
Enter by purchasing a merchandise, each purchase = 1 Tree. Entry valid for Apr, May, June.
Use CODES below to vote for your favourite Ecofluence®, for a chance to travel with them.***
1 Group Travel with Influencer(+1) win, for every 7777 entries.
1 Bali Trip, for every 777 Entries, upto a maximum of 7.
3 Vouchers worth INR 4977/-; for every 77 entries.
Win First ever NFT LO77REE® TreeCard®, linked to 7777 Trees, with artwork created by premium artists.
NOTE: The influencer's participation is subjected to confirmation from them. Your votes will definitely help in convicing them.
Spread the word please!
━ *** ━
In case any of these win, we'll pick highest voted, available influencer to travel with your tribe.
we are ensuring our process is transparent, authentic, playful and rewarding for everyone involved.
77,777,777,777 Trees
to our desired
target date.
222222+ Trees
pledged or planted in 2024
The Coconaüts Story!
Coconaüts from Thannoverse, happen to be eco-conscious Earth-friendly aliens who are curious about Earth's current events - such as women & youth affairs, and sustainability. Therefore, in process of their arrival on Earth, they vowed to contribute towards Earth's sustainability goals.
With a fresh take on sustainability and e-commerce business, along the way, Coconaüts committed to alleviating the long running gas-issues of their beloved friend, Earth, a.k.a., CoCo in Thannoversion language.
(Hence the term Coconaüts).
[That was TLDR; vesion of what is about to come, over the coming years]
Cool Picks from Merch Store
You Ecofluence®
Every purchase you make ensures at least 1 tree is planted, supporting our commitment to sustainability.
You can also explore our Ecofluence® section, and pledge trees to various other initiatives, gamified to win cool rewards!
You empower
By choosing to shop with us, you are not only supporting youth employment, but also empowering women.
Because we know if she thrives then we thrive!
You care
Sustainability and self-care is our DNA, and we strive for it, at every segment of our supply chain. Whether it is ensuring healthy working conditions for our staff, or ensuring working with partners who do the same or simply caring for the environment through our commitment to Tree Plantation.
By choosing to shop with us, you ensure the self-care of everyone involved.
Discover The Collections
The Babes Collection
Embrace your inner Babe with our summer crop tops!
Eras Tour Collection
For the love of all different eras of Taylor Swift!